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Graphic Design Workspace

Click on each week to see the growth of my online course

As I progress throughout the DLL program, I am increasingly in awe of what we are learning and have been tasked to do. In my current class (5318 - Instructional Design), we are learning how to design an online class and reading the book, Teaching in a Digital Age, by A.W. (TONY) BATES. In this section of my site, you will get a glimpse of how I plan to design my course. Please feel free to check it out here. To gain access, use code wlwi6dd.


Welcome to the Design Thinking – Project Management course. In business technology, it is imperative for students to understand the importance of completing and managing a project. Being able to enforce project management while designing and creating art using Microsoft Excel, will allow students to run a successful project while recognizing the significance of empathy when considering their design and the end users. The course will be organized as follows:


Learning Goals:

  • Learners will initiate a project

  • Learners will plan a project

  • Learners will execute a project

  • Learners will monitor and control a project

  • Learners will close a business project

  • Learners will recognize and apply spreadsheet items to their project

  • Learners will consider end users while reflecting on the finished project


Desired Results

  • Demonstrate project management process to conduct a business project using emerging technologies.

  • Demonstrate public relations skills to increase internal and external customer satisfaction. The student is expected to communicate effectively when developing positive customer relationships.

  • Design solutions to mathematical business problems using advanced spreadsheet technologies

  • Understand and create a SWOT analysis

  • Reflect on and assess their learning



This course is designed for 10th – 12th grade Houston ISD students. The course can be adapted and used for other business technology courses throughout the district.



Outline for the course – please click for the to access the 3-column table


List and briefly describe in your assignment document the materials you will enter into your chosen LMS below using the space you need:


Resources: (will be accessible throughout the entire course)

  • Course Navigation documents

  • Course Introduction and grading information (rubric)

  • Information for accommodations

  • Academic integrity documents

  • Equitable access information


Week 1: Creating and designing a product

  • Welcome video providing overview of course

  • Pre-course survey to understand students’ background

  • Quizlet Flash Cards - understanding key terms

  • YouTube video – on creating pixel art

  • Discussion board – best practices for creating Pixel Art

  • Article on Converting image to Excel

  • Begin creating image using Pixel Art


Week 2: Understanding project management and customer’s needs

  • Video on understanding the importance of a SWOT analysis when working on a project or creating a product

  • Completion of SWOT analysis

  • Activity to collaborate using Microsoft product (PowerPoint) to determine how to advertise project

  • Google Form to poll students on how to understand end user/customers’ needs


Week 3: Understanding basic project financials; perfecting Pixel Art

  • Video with guest speaker to discuss details on how to manage a project

  • Discussion on how to utilize various types of resources discussed by guest speaker video

  • Article to introduce how basic financials work in project management

  • Create product mock budget using Microsoft Excel template


Week 4: Application

  • Discuss the impact of not having accurate financial recording for projects

  • Create a reflection video using FlipGrid on the design of your final project and how to sell to potential customers

  • Use the links to basic spreadsheet to interpret and apply knowledge

  • Link to Canva to create infographic (include step by step instruction for designing a product and understanding financials)


Week 5: Reflection

  • Demonstrate successfully and apply processes from start to finish by working with classmates to create mock sales in a discussion board

  • Blog about entire project management process and submit using Google Docs

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