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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Simmons

Connecting the Dots to Learning

I have never thought about having a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) as it relates to learning. In church, my Pastor often encourages us to dream big and to ask God for big things. So, I know how to apply it to my personal life but I have never really thought about have BIG goals for my classroom. In the video, Connecting the Dots vs Collecting the Dots, Seth Godin says, “Fitting in is a short term strategy that gets you nowhere, standing out is a long term strategy that takes guts and produces results.” We are all uniquely made so it has always been difficult for me to understand why we do so much to be like others and create a classroom that doesn’t match our style. We often try so hard to create the perfect classroom by using the thoughts and ideas of other teachers. It’s time to stand out instead of fitting in.

Oftentimes when we create the path to our significant learning environment, we try to use step by step instructions based on what someone else has used or shared with us. However, it is important as Dr. Harapnuik states in Mapping your Learner’s Journey that our “learners are learning and growing and not simply regurgitating the right answers”. When I am introducing a new concept, I have started sharing with my students the end goal and them we work from there. The students sometimes feel a little lost, but as they work through the process, I see the gleam in their eyes when they make the connection. I can truly say that it’s been fun so far.


Harapnuik, D. (2016, June 16). Mapping Your Learner's Journey. Retrieved December 2, 2020, from

Godin, S. [TEDxYouth]. (2012, October 16). Stop stealing dreams [Video file]. Retrieved from


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