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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Simmons

Creating Significant Learning Environments

The most exciting thing I have witnessed in the classroom is when my students experience the light bulb moment. Generally, when this happens, it is after they have searched hard and long for the connection to the content and have finally gained a sense of clarity about the current unit.

I must say this has not always been the case for me as a teacher. It was not until I realized my students learn quite differently from the way I learned. When I first began teaching, I had an idea of what I needed to do to teach my students. In my mind, I was the expert, and I was there to share my expertise with my students while they gleaned from my knowledge. Haha! Not! This method did not go over too well because I ended up competing with their personal handheld devices better known as the cell phone.

As I continued to struggle with connecting with my students, I realized that it was not me they were not necessarily rejecting, it was my outdated information that did not resonate with them. I was teaching them with passion, yet I lacked perspective. Dr. Douglas Thomas mentioned in his TedTalk that “teachers are defying the space to make real learning happen.” It’s true. I realized this as I stood in front the class in the same room with my students while their minds were probably hundreds, if not, thousands of miles away, watching something more relevant and meaningful to their "now". The question is how do I create a significant learning environment?

Dr. Tony Bates states in his YouTube video that it is important for teachers to “cultivate imagination and honor passion”. This is an approach I have begun to use this school year due my newfound knowledge of the highly regarded COVA approach to learning. As a result, I have seen an increase in engagement and content connection with my students. My current lessons are more probing for the students and are meaningful to their lives. I believe by taking this approach in learning, I am creating the proper environment for students to learn.


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