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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Simmons

Do You Want a Revolution?

Broadening of the Mind

The first time I watched the TedTalk video, Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!, I focused primarily on his statement, “Our minds are still being hypnotized by previous centuries” because that was the portion of the speech that I related to the most. While what he said still rings true, after watching it a couple more times, I realize that there is a lot more to his talk than I previously thought. As I continue through the DLL program, my mind has broadened to a place where I am beginning to understand the world of education with more clarity.

You have a Voice, Use It

Towards the end of last school year, I made a point to have a classroom where students have a voice. One of the constant reminders I tell my students is that they have a voice, and my goal is to teach them how to use their voice. As stated in his talk, Sir Ken Robinson tells the audience, “you cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do, like a farmer, is create the conditions under which they will begin to flourish”. I believe that by giving the student a place to speak without judgement, it helps to create the foundation needed for success.

As sir Ken Robinson continued to speak, I recognized that by allowing my students to learn through curiosity and then work to fulfill the need to know more about the concept, I am allowing them to learn naturally. Since “learning is not linear, it’s organic” as said by Sir Ken Robinson, my classroom is becoming a place where my students are learning from within.

As I listened to Daniel Pink's Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us video and work through my lessons this year, my students consistently remind me that they are not necessarily motivated by grades, especially when they are learning organically. It’s sort of a weird acknowledgement; however, I understand that being intrinsically motivated is a deep human need to direct our lives.

Overall, I have truly come to realize that the path to learning has changed vastly over the decades and “it is not evolution but revolution” that can transform us into something else.


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