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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Simmons

How do I learn

My Engagement in Learning Communities

“Education is what people do to you; learning is what you do to yourself.” Joi Ito

In the Beginning…

“Why do you ask so many questions?” asked a former colleague who was training me on a new project. One thing that’s been pretty consistent in my life is my desire for learning. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always been curious and have always asked a lot of questions. I annoyed people. A lot. I was often called a nerd. I hated the name-calling, but I still loved learning.

Once I became an adult, I continued in my quest for knowledge but realized I needed to maintain a low profile, especially in the office. Asking too many questions can be considered as having a lack of knowledge by some. So, how did I learn something new?

As I progressed through my career, I was introduced to LinkedIn

and created a profile. I did not realize the difference this learning tool would have in my life. Not only was I able to connect with colleagues and people who were interested in the same things as I; I was also able to join learning organizations and attend various meetups with like-minded individuals. I was giddy, to say the least as I now had information at my fingertips.

A new creation

After leaving Corporate America approximately two years ago, I came to appreciate the fact that I needed to embrace new information. I realized that even though I learned useful material during my 22 years in Corporate America, it was time to gain knowledge about my new field in education. I immediately signed into my LinkedIn account, joined the appropriate communities, and connected with fellow educators. I also love the fact I can also use it as a fundamental ePortfolio to showcase my skills and learning.

The Learning Never Stops

Although LinkedIn has provided me with plenty of connections and access to a plethora of information, I still needed a different style based on how I learn. Therefore, I started attending the optional Professional Development (PD) sessions with my Professional Learning Community at my school and within my school district. I can honestly say that I have gained a wealth of knowledge attending each one.

I enjoy attending PD sessions because of the interactions I can have with others and the opportunity to ask those formerly forbidden questions. The sessions have been very enlightening and have helped me improve my teaching craft. Some of the sessions I’ve attended include, but are not limited to, Sheltered Instruction and Literacy routines to help better connect with English Language Learners, Differentiation in the CTE classroom, Data Dig 1: Know Your Students (Student History Report), and JasperActive, a platform to teach students Microsoft skills. The skills and knowledge gained from the professional development sessions have allowed me to be a highly effective teacher in the classroom.

​ Another learning platform that I’ve grown very fond of and has been instrumental in my learning career is YouTube.

Honestly, I have always thought of YouTube as a place for amateurs to record videos and post them in hopes of becoming famous. I did not realize how much information the video platform has to offer. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that I am able to log into my account and subscribe to multiple channels, all of which relate to my current interests. During the time I was studying for my content certification, I referred to YouTube often. I would listen to videos while driving to work, cooking dinner, and getting dressed in the morning. There is so much information and the visuals help learners, like me, break down the information into manageable pieces, making the material easier to retain.

So much to Learn

I am a part of the Facebook community, so it would be remiss for me not to mention this valuable site. I scroll often have joined quite a few education communities. However, I must say that I am most fond of Facebook Busi Educators where a ton of information is shared for teachers by teachers. I have learned quite a bit from other teachers who teach business in other parts of the United States. The thing I love the most about this group is that everyone on the page is very helpful and supportive. I often take what I learn from this page and implement it into my classroom and I have to say that about 95% of what I've implemented has worked and my students remain engaged. This Facebook page is one of my favorite learning networks. I enjoy learning and often share some of my own classroom tips with others in the group.

Giving Back

​ Recently, well since I started my ePortfolio, I have decided that I’ve learned a lot from various learning platforms and others, and therefore, want to contribute to the learning process. As a result, I have started to create my own technology instructional videos. I used the casting platform, Screencastify, to create a short video clip (less than five minutes) and upload it to my site. Additionally, I send the videos to all of the staff at my school since not many educators are tech-savvy. As a result, I’ve been receiving positive reviews with quite a few teachers saying the videos have been extremely helpful.

One thing I’ve learned in my quest for knowledge is that everyone can contribute to the learning environment. The few platforms I use as resources to are minuscule compared to the vast resources available to everyone. As you may note, I am primarily a consumer of information; however, I certainly believe it is important for one to share any knowledge gained with others. Isn’t that reinforcement the way we learn?

Annotated List of Communities:

LinkedIn a social media platform designed for career and business professionals to connect, making them productive and successful. The platform has connected more than 700 million professionals and is used in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

Professional Development – a continuing education effort for educators. The sessions can vary from being content specific to broad topics that can aid in allowing teachers to become highly effective in their teaching.

YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform where users can find, watch, and manage their own content. At the end of the 3rd quarter in 2019, the platform had more than 2 billion active users, making it the largest platform of its kind.

Facebook - Facebook Business Educators is a group for business teachers to collaborate and share resources.


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