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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Simmons

I'm inspired


Over the past few months, I have experienced a growth spurt I wasn't expecting. I mean - I'm well into my prime years of living. How could I possibly grow more than what I've already grown? Let me tell you... it's possible! Enrolling into the Lamar University's Digital Learning and Leading Program has stretched me in ways I never imagined.

I have learned about ePortfolios, Growth Mindset, Learning Manifestos, innovation plans and COVA (Choice, ownership, voice and authentic learning). Believe it or not, this is just what I've learned in the 1st three classes I've taken so far. The program has pushed me well beyond my comfort levels. I'm eagerly anticipating what's next in the program.


Since I have started taking the courses in the DLL program, I have altered my teaching methods in my classroom. The COVA approach has been the most impactful in my recent studies and has caused the most significant change. Due to my recent learning, I have come to realize that giving students choice, voice, ownership and authentic learning opportunities creates effective learning environments. As a result, I have decided to implement Project-Based Learning and the creation of ePortfolios. Although my students show some concern, I also see a peak in their curiosity. It's not common for my students to make choices and to have a voice. I'm excited to see their progress.


I have truly come to appreciate the value in owning my learning. One of my favorite quotes is "Education is what people do to you. Learning is what you do to yourself "- Joi Ito. Although I was very apprehensive with regards to creating an ePortfolio, I have recently come to find great value in the process and not necessarily the product. One of the issues I had initially is the idea of self reflection as I did not quite bode well with me. However, since and after explaining the importance of self-reflection to my students, I realized that making connections and reflecting provides the author with the opportunity to develop new and deeper learning. For this reason, I will use ePortfolios as an objective for both myself and my students.


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