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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Simmons

To publish or not? That's the question.

As I continue to work on my innovation plan which is to implement Design-thinking into the CTE classroom (specifically business classes), I'm growing and learning a lot about how I would like my final plan to go. The class I'm currently taking, 5317, helps us to understand how digital resources are useful, not only in the classroom, but also as a resource tool. During my time in grad school, I am learning that there is a vast array of knowledge at my finger tips.

Gone are the days of having to get in your car and drive to the local library and check out a book to obtain new information. No more walking outside in PJs to pick up the weekly newspaper. In present days, a simple search in Google Scholar can lead a person to some highly regarded scholarly literature. Additionally, a simple web search allows the reader to browse millions of topics.

Considering my topic and innovation plan, I have decided that I would like to have the work published and I am conducting some online research to determine some of the best publications and sites when I can submit my work. Doing so will give me the reassurance I believe I need to move forward with my plan.


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