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Teaching is a complex art.

One of my first lessons last year as a first-year teacher was over Business Functions. I was a new teacher and the curriculum I had access to did not appeal to me. After working in industry for more than 20 years, I had quite a few ideas. So, I put together a PowerPoint presentation on the four business functions. The unit included guided notes where the students were able to follow along with the presentation and write in their notes. During the lesson, we had small group discussions and watched various videos that allowed the students to have a visual understanding of marketing, production, management, and finance.  Included in the lesson, the students, designed their own food truck where each function was implemented. The designs were on paper where the students were able to use their own creativity in designing the outside of the truck, creating an organizational chart, creating budgets, equipping their food trucks with essentials to operate, designing their own business cards, and hiring people to work various shifts. At the end of the unit, I arranged a field trip to a local food truck park where the students were able to meet owners and enjoy the fruits of their labor as we treated them to lunch.


A differentiated lesson plan allows for teachers to give students the support they need.  Please click the picture below to view one of my differentiated lesson plans. 



My hope to bring real-world experiences into my classroom starts with a plan. Please click the picture below to read about my research regarding project-based learning with a design thinking approach.

Library Book Shelves
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