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Learners will operate a Microsoft Art design company that plans, creates, designs, and produces digital Art created in Microsoft Excel


I have to admit, this assignment was a huge struggle for me. I do not generally set goals or at least I don’t think about setting goals. I live and get guidance and inspiration from my faith walk. Now, I do have ideas. Lots of them. Creative ideas that I just put into place. I think and implement. If it does not work, I move on to the next thing. My question is “how does a learner own their learning if the facilitator is providing specific instructions?”

“If professors want to create courses in which the students have “significant learning experiences,” they need to design that quality into the courses. How can they do that? By following the five basic steps of the instructional design process…” As I think about creating goals, I realize that it is important for me to follow steps so that I do not go into a course with half-finished ideas. This has not been my experience. As Fink states in his Pre’cis of the Initial Design Phase, “If professors want to create courses in which the students have “significant learning experiences,” they need to design that quality into the courses. How can they do that? By following the basic steps of the instructional design process…”

Going through this process helps me to realize that it is important to incorporate steps because it allows me to think through all of the details I need to plan out a significant learning experience. Doing so will allow me to become the highly effective teacher I have set out to become. My ultimate goal is to impact my students not only in the classroom but for many to come. My BHAG is listed below:

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